I am spending more time on Project management these days, along with fundraising for some clients keen to move their businesss forward.
That said I havent lost sight of the area I feel most strongly about. The weekend papers were slating VisitScotland for sending staff out to India to seduce new customers when there are larger markets in Russia and China. The suggestion being that VS staff were out to enjoy a free holiday in the warm! The arguments can go back and forth but the fact remains that the UKs biggest problem is still really poor customer care. Word of mouth, and increasing word of mouth via the Internet, is able to make or break an attraction.
I believe the emphasis should not be on sending expensive staff out to countries around the world. The two prong approach should be to use the web as a medium for reaching the distant markets, and once attracted, offer the customer a service and value for money that makes them return and tell their friends.
The entire world is now web-literate. Even Silver-surfers know exactly what to do too so there is no market sector unable to be reached. Use this to your advantage of course but once your customers arrive make sure you can offer them an appropriate service and capture their loyalty.
It will soon be the new season start it with a Customer Service Audit, and mystery visits to follow up.
The first 3 clients booking an Audit before Easter will receive a 25% discount.